Ok This Post Is To See What People Really Have Against Disney, People Hate Disney Because The Company Took Over Clubpenguin, But SERIOUSLY, What ABOUT the theme parks That Disney has made, the Cartoons Disney has made.
Disney Joined Cp In somewhat August
OLD CP1.Less DUMB filters
2.We Could use numbers in our chat box
3.We could chat ALOT EASIER
4.INSANELY cool clothing With 3 Pages Full of New clothing In every new clothing Catalog
5.Sweet Parties, Alot of free items.
NEW CP1.MILLIONS Of filters, We Can't As Easy
2.Dumb Clothing With Only 2 Pages Full Of new clothing In every Clothing Catalog
3.Boring Parties, Cp Can't do A good party ANYMORE
(Thanks Aguair,
Wel I Think That Pretty Much everyone hates Clubpenguin, But I am gonna let you decide in the Pole I Will Put In my Sidebar