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Thursday, September 18, 2008

now i am quitting

sorry guys clubpenguin blogging doesn't intrest me as much as when I used too do it, now i am in middle school and still play clubpenguin I just don't do clubpenguin blogging any more Plus there are a billion jillion thousand clubpenguin cheat sites out there you guys will find them easily since there is so many but now I am starting a new website called Randomania, visit it at its a really cool website, it has games, you can chat with friends, listen to music and even watch videos please go to its Awesome!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Play mystery!

Ok, well there is apparently a new play son arriving and it looks awesome here below is a picture from the Newspaper.

Also if you want to find this note go to page A2 and A3 of the newspaper (first page) then click on the blue puffle, the manhole leading to the pole, the bin of paint the orange penguins holding and the box on the bottom right corner of the picture and the picture above will pop up.

what do you think?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall fair sneak peek!

Hey Heres a sneak peek to the Fall fair, The fall fair is coming at the end on the month according to billybob, and let me just say that last years fall fair was awesome it was truly my favorite clubpenguin Party!!! Also I am coming back to clubpenguin blogging!
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Bbuzzel's Quick Quiz

Hello All you Bbuzzel Fans Take My Quiz ]

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